2.1 The sounds in an overview - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
2.2 Single sounds in detail
2.2.1 Nasal a, ae and o Creating nasal sounds The nasal sounds Nasal o Nasal a Nasal ae open nasale e and nasale closed o open nasale a and open nasale e Nasal open e, nasal a and nasal o
2.3 Oral vocals
2.3.1 Open oe, closed oe, tubby e Tubby e Open and closed oe
2.3.2 Open e and closed e Closed e part 1 - part 2 - part 3 Open e (ae) Comparison to the tubby e The e muet
2.3.3 Open and closed o - part 1 - part 2
2.3.4 Dark and bright a
2.3.5 Easy vowels French i French u
2.3.6 French ue
2.4 Consonants
2.4.1 Voiced and unvoiced sounds Voiced and unvoiced s - part 1 - part 2 Voiced and unvoiced sh
2.4.2 Easy consonants The p The b The t The d The m The n The nj The ng The l The r The h
2.5 Accent as non-diacritical mark
2.5.1 Accent as non-diacritical mark for differentiation of homonyms
2.6 Liaison
2.7 Summary - part 1 - part 2
2.8.1 Exercise 1: closed, open or tubby e
2.8.2 Exercise 2: closed, open or tubby oe
2.8.3 Exercise 3: closed o, open o or tubby oe
2.8.4 Exercise 4: nasal open e or nasal a
2.8.5 Exercise 5: nasal open e, nasal a or nasal o
2.8.6Exercise 6: dark and bright a
2.8.7 Exercise 7: voiced and unvoiced s
2.8.8 Exercise 8: voiced and unvoiced sh
3.1 Nouns, articles and adjectives
3.1.1 Articles Definite articles Forms of the definite articles Specialties, when the noun starts with a vowel or a mute h Specialties, when the noun starts with a vocal in plural (les) Definite article and geographical descriptions Indefinite articles Liaison with indefinite articles - part 1 - part 2 Partitive article de + la, de + le => partitive article Is des (de + les) a partitive article? Use of de la, du, des as partitive article No article No article after the preposition sans No article after the preposition en No article, when the noun is before the preposition de, which was required by the verb No article after quantity specifications Definite article / partitive article
3.2 Formation of feminine and masculine form - part 1 - part 2 - part 3
3.3 Formation of the plural
3.3.1 Morphems for formation of the plural Regular formation of the plural with -s Plural morpheme -aux Identical singular and plural for nouns ending with s or x
3.4.1 Position of adjectives Prefixed adjectives Rule: The adjective is after the noun Prefixed adjectives in position after the noun Placing adjectives in front of a noun, that usually are in the position after the noun
3.4.2 Formation of feminine and masculine adjectives In the feminine form the final consonant is voiced d => de t => te, t => tte s => se, s => sse et => ète x => ce (i)er => (i)ère Adjectives, whose masculine form end on a nasal sound - part 1 - part 2 eux => euse
3.5 Formation of the plural of adjectives
3.5.1 Specialties with the plural of masculine forms eau => eaux, ou => oux al => aux
3.5.2 No difference between feminine and masculine form
3.6 Liaison
3.7.1 Exercise 1: Definite / indefinite articles
3.7.2 Exercise 2: Definite / indefinite and partitive articles
3.7.3 Exercise 3: Singular and plural form with indefinite articles
3.7.4 Exercise 4: Singular and plural form with definite articles
3.7.5 Exercise 5: Partitive article or Genitive?
3.7.6 Exercise 6: Plural forms I
3.7.7 Exercise 7: Singular and plural forms
3.7.8 Exercise 8: Plural forms II
3.7.9 Exercise 9: With or without articles?
3.7.10 Exercise 10: Liaisons
3.7.11 Exercise 11: Adjectives before and after the noun?
8.1 Overview
8.2 Formation of the subjonctif
8.2.1 Formation of subjonctif présent
8.2.2 Formation of subjonctif imparfait
8.2.3 Formation of passé composé du subjonctif
8.2.4 Formation of plus-que-parfait du subjonctif
8.3 Use of subjonctif
8.3.1 Subjonctif after verbs of wishes and desire
8.3.2 Subjonctif after words of approval, disapproval and agreement
8.3.3 Subjonctif after verbs of fear, insecurity, regret, surprise
8.3.4 Subjonctif after verbs expressing an emotional attitude
8.3.5 Subjonctif after certain idioms and phrases Subjonctif after phrases expressing insecurity Subjonctif after phrases expressing a subjective evaluation Subjonctif after phrases expressing irreality
8.3.6 Verbs and phrases NOT requiring subjonctif ésperer, croire, supposer, penser Phrases NOT requiring subjonctif
8.3.7 Conjunctions requiring subjonctif - part 1 - part 2 Some remarks about conjunctions, defining temporal sequences Sequence of tenses in sentences requiring the subjonctif
8.3.8 Subjonctif in relative clauses
8.3.9 Subjonctif after imperatif
8.4.1 Exercise 1: Formation of présent du subjonctif
8.4.2 Exercise 2: Formation of passé composé du subjonctif
8.4.3 Exercise 3: Formation of imparfait du subjonctif
8.4.4 Exercise 4: Formation of plus-que-parfait du subjonctif
8.4.5 Exercise 5: Use of subjonctif - croire, penser, espérer, soupçonner
8.4.6 Exercise 6: Subjonctif after verbs of doubt, hope, insecurity, wish, order
8.4.7 Exercise 7: Subjonctif in certain relative clauses
8.4.8 Exercise 8: Subjonctif after expressions of insecurity, doubt, joy, fear, non-existence
8.4.9 Exercise 9: Subjonctif after superlatives
8.4.10 Exercise 10: Conjunction quoique
11 Relative clauses
11.1 Introduction
11.1.1 Competing systems within the relative pronouns
11.1.2 Function of the relative pronoun needs to be considered
11.1.3 Relative pronouns can refer to one noun or a context
11.1.4 Relative pronouns in connection with prepositions
11.2 Relative pronouns qui and que
11.2.1 Relative pronoun is subject of the relative clause: qui
11.2.2 Preposition and relative pronoun
11.2.3 Relative pronoun is direct object of the relative clause: que
11.2.4Preposition + que
11.3 Relative pronouns : lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles
11.3.1 Formation of relative pronouns: lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lequelles
11.3.2 Use of relative pronouns: lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles Qui is only seldom substituted by lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles ...in the non-restrictive relative clause ...differences in non-restrictive and restrictive relative clauses lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles cannot be direct object of the relative clause lequel, laquelle, lesquels, lesquelles in connection with a preposition
11.4 Relative pronoun dont
11.4.1 dont in the meaning of whose
11.4.2 dont in the meaning of about which / about + artcle
11.4.3 dont in the meaning of of which / of + article
11.4.4 dont in the meaning of among which
11.4.5 dont in the meaning of on + article / for + article / before + article
11.5 Substitutions - dont , duquel / de laquelle / desquels / desquelles, de qui
11.5.1When dont substitutes de of an opening phrase
11.5.2 When dont is used as whose
11.5.3 When dont is used as of which / of + article
11.5.4 When dont is used with any other preposition except de
11.5.5 Special cases for references
11.5.6 Summary substitutions Examples group a) Examples group b) Examples group c) Examples group d) Examples group e) Examples group f) Examples group g)
11.6 Où as relative pronoun
11.7 dont , où, dans lequel / laquelle / lesquels / lesquelles, que
11.8 Quoi as relative pronoun
11.8.1 Quoi for referring of something not belonging to the sentence structure
11.9 Referring to something indefinite celui / celle / ceux / celles
11.9.1 ... first pattern
11.9.2 ... second patterns
11.10 Exercise
11.10.1 Exercise1: Subject or direct object
11.10.2 Exercise 2: Dative
11.10.3 Exercise 3: Relative pronouns with prepositions
11.10.4 Exercise 4: Relative pronouns with context
11.10.5 Exercise 5: ce, quelque chose, la seule chose, tout, rien
12 Conjunctions
12.1 Conjunctions, adverbs, pronouns
12.2 Simple and compound conjunctions
12.3 Conjunctions of numeration, choice, exception
12.3.1 et = and
12.3.2 de plus = what's more, moreover, furthermore
12.3.3 en plus = what's more, moreover, furthermore
12.3.4 en outre = what's more, moreover, furthermore
12.3.5 outre que = except
12.3.6 non seulement. mais encore = not only ... but also
12.3.7 non seulement. mais assi = not only ... but also
12.3.8 de surcroît = moreover, furthermore, as well
12.3.9 d'ailleurs = apart from that
12.3.10 ou = or
12.3.11 ou... ou... = either ... or
12.3.12 ou bien = either ... or...
12.4 Adverbs and adverbial clauses that can - like conjunctions - form logical structures
12.4.1 en fait = basically
12.4.2 tout au moins = at least
12.4.3 au moins = at least
12.4.4 tout au plus = at most
12.4.5 plus exactement = more precisely
12.4.6 à vrai dire = more precisely
12.4.7 c'est ainsi que = on this route
12.4.8 ainsi que = as, like
12.4.9 c'est le cas de = that's the case
12.4.10 en particulier = especially
12.4.11 notamment = especially
12.4.12 à ce propos = regarding
12.4.13 mieux encore = in other words
12.4.14 autrement dit = differently said
12.4.15 en d'autres termes = in other words
12.4.16 en effet = in fact
12.4.17 c'est ainsi que = so
12.5 Conjunctions creating connections and comparisons
12.5.1 autant que = exactly like
12.5.2 d' autant plus ... que = the ... the
12.5.3 de même que / aussie bien que = as well as
12.5.4 de la même façon = the same way
12.5.5 parallèlement = in parallel
12.5.6 pareillement / de même = likewise, equally
12.5.7 par analogie = analogue
12.5.8 d'une part... d'autre part = on the one hand ... on the other
12.5.9 suivant que = depending on
12.5.10 surtout que = especially, since
12.5.11 en tant que = as
12.5.12 selon = according to
12.5.13 plus que = more than
12.5.14 dans la mesure où = thus far
12.5.15 à mesure que = as
12.5.16 au fur et à mesure que = equally
12.6 Conjunctions of cause
12.6.1 car = because, since
12.6.2 parce que = because, since
12.6.3 puisque = as, since
12.6.4 comme = as
12.6.5 ainsi = hence
12.6.6 non (pas) parce que = not because
12.6.7 par grâce à = thanks to
12.6.8 en raison de = due to
12.6.9 c'est pourquoi = because of, based on
12.7 Conjunctions of condition
12.7.1 si = if
12.7.2 lorsque = when
12.7.3 si ... que = in case ... then
12.8 Conjunctions of effect
12.8.1 au point que = in such a way that /so that
12.8.2tant et si bien que = in such a way that / so that
12.8.3 du fait de = base on
12.8.4 si bien que = so that
12.8.5 en conséquence = therefore
12.8.6 sous prétexte que = under the pretext
12.9 Conjunktionen of time and sequence
12.9.1 quand = when
12.9.2 au moment où = in the moment when
12.9.3 depuis que = since
12.9.4 premièrement, deuxièmement = first, second
12.9.5 puis = then
12.9.6ensuite = then
12.9.7 avant tout, d'abord = above all
12.9.8 en premier lieu = firstly, above all
12.9.9 a peine... que = hardly
12.9.10 après avoir souligné = after stressing that...
12.10 Conjunctions of contradiction and doubt
12.10.1 malgré = despite
12.10.2 en dépit de = despite
12.10.3 quelque soit = however
12.10.4 même si = even if
12.10.5 au lieu de = instead of
12.10.6 loin de = far from
12.10.7 toutefois = however
12.10.8 peut-être = maybe, possibly
12.10.9 après avoir souligné = after stressing that
12.10.10 ou... ou = either ... or
12.10.11 l' un ... l' autre = the one ... the other
12.10.12 d' autre part = on the other hand
12.10.13 voire, même = even
12.10.14 non seulement ... mais encore = not only ... but also
12.10.15 mais en réalité = but in reality
12.10.16 plutôt que = instead of
12.10.17 d'un côté. de l'autre ... = on the one side, on the other side
12.10.18 mais = but
12.10.19 cependant = meanwhile
12.10.20 pourtant = nevertheless
12.10.21 néanmoins = yet, after all
12.10.22 en revanche = whereas
12.10.23 alors que = while
12.10.24 alors = whereas
12.10.25 tandis que = while, whereas
12.10.26 au contraire = in the contrary
12.10.27 pour sa part = in turn, for his part
12.10.28 autant dire que = so to say
12.10.29 si l'on peut dire = so to say
12.10.30 si + Adj. + subjonctif = as + adjective + may + verb
12.10.31 d'une certaine manière = in a certain way
12.10.32 sans doute = without a doubt
12.10.33 maintenant que = now that
12.10.34 donc = thus, therefore
12.10.35 tant que = as much as, as many as
12.10.36 jusqu' alors = until then
12.10.37 jusqu' au moment où = until the moment that
12.10.38 du moment que = because of
12.10.39 par conséquent = owing to
12.10.40 en guise de conclusion = concluding
12.10.41 pour conclure = concluding
12.10.42 en conclusion = eventually
12.10.43 enfin = finally
12.10.44 mis à part = except, beside, apart from
12.10.45 ne ... que = only
12.10.46 à défaut de = failing
12.10.47 excepté = except
12.10.48 excepté que = except that
12.10.49 sauf = except
12.10.50 sinon = else
12.10.51 après que = after
12.10.52 aussitôt que / dès que = as soon as
12.10.53 chaque fois que = each time when
12.10.54 étant donné que = given that
12.11Conjunctions with subjonctif
12.11.1 Wish, desire, intention de manière que = in such a way that de telle façon que = in such a way that en sorte que = in such a way that de façon que = so that afin que... = that pour que = that
12.11.2 Conjunctions of insecurit, fear and irreality quoi que + subjonctif = whatever + Indikativ de peur que / de crainte que = being afraid of sans que = without
12.11.3 Conditions, supposition pourvu que = under the condition that à moins que....n' = if not à (la) condition que = under the condition that en admettant que = granted that après quoi = after which à supposer que / supposé que = on the supposition that
12.11.4Conjunctions of a non-specific time-frame en attendant que = until jusqu' à ce que = until
12.11.5 Conjunctions of irreality, fear sans que = without that de crainte que = out of fear
12.11.6 Conjunctions of contraries bien que = although encore que = although au lieu que = instead of non que = not that quoique = although
12.12 Conjunctions with conditonel
12.12.1 au cas où, dans le cas où, pour le cas où = in case
12.12.2 dans l'hypothèse où = in case
12.13.1 Exercise 1: Conjunctions I
12.13.2 Exercise 2: Conjunctions and modi
13. Prepositions
13.1 à = to, after, in, at
13.1.1 à for addressing indirect objects
13.1.2 à for expression of manner
13.1.3 à plus infinitive
13.1.4 à with expressions of time
13.1.5 à with expressions of place
13.1.6 à in figurative meaning
13.2 dans and en
13.2.1 dans and en with expressions of time
13.2.2 dans and en with expressions of place
13.3 de = of
13.3.1 de for formation of Genitive
13.3.2 de plus infinitive
13.3.3 de = of (material, place)
13.3.4 de = of
13.4 en = after, in, with, within
13.4.1 en with expressions of place
13.4.2 en with expressions of means of transportation
13.4.3 en with certain phrases
13.5 après = after (metaphorical and in time)
13.6 derrière = behind
13.7 avant = before (metaphorical and in time)
13.8 devant = before (only in place, not in time)
13.9 contre = agains (also metaphorically)
13.10 depuis = since
13.10.1 depuis in its basic meaning
13.10.2 depuis and des
13.10.3 depuis - substition with quand
13.10.4 depuis = from (in place and order)
13.10.5 depuis - Summary
13.11 pendant = while
13.12 hors de = out of
13.13 à l' égard de = regarding
13.14 à force de = by
13.15 au lieu de = instead of
13.16 en face de = in front of
13.17 malgré = despite
13.18 lors de = on the occasion
13.19 outre = beside; en outre (conjunction: furthermore)
13.20 en raison de = due to
13.21 par rapport à = in relation to
13.22 près de = near / proche = close
13.23 sous = under (versus dessous)
13.23.1 Summary sous / dessous
13.24 sur = on
13.25 au delà = beyond
13.26 jusqu' à / jusqu' aux / jusqu' en = to, until
13.27 à partir de = since, for
13.28 quant à, en ce qui concerne = concerning
13.29 à la suite, a cause de, dû = because of, owing to, due to
13.30 a l' instar de = as
13.31 près = near
13.32 vers = around (only in time)
13.33 a defaut de = for lack of
13.34 suivant = following
13.35 au bout du compte = finally, eventually
13.36 auprès de = besides, in comparison to
13.37 en cas de = in case of
13.38 chez = at (only with persons and animals)
13.39 au cours de = in the course of
13.40 sous l' égide de = under the aegis of
13.41 d' ici à = until
13.42 par = by, through
13.43 vis-à-vis = opposite
13.44 Preposition and adverb
13.45.1 Exercise 1: since, from
13.45.2 Exercise 2: Preposition I
13.45.3 Exercise 3: Preposition II
13.45.4 Exercise 4: sous <=> dessous <=> en dessous de / sur <=> dessus <=> en dessus de
13.45.5 Exercise 5: Preposition III
15Overview about the topic
15.1 English present participle
15.1.1 Formation and use of the English present participle
15.2 Formation and use of the present participle - comparison English vs. French
15.2.1 Formation of the French present participle
15.2.2 English present participle as adjective in attributive form
15.2.3 Present participle can be adverbial ... substituting conditional clauses ... in temporal clauses ... as relative clauses ... in causal subordinate clauses ... in other subordinate clauses
15.3 Perfect participle and passé composé
15.3.1 Use of paricipe passé ... substituting conditional clauses ... in temporal clauses ... as relative clauses ... in causal subordinate clauses ... some specialties
15.4 Formation of participe présent and of gerondif
15.5 Use of gerondif in comparison to the participe présent
15.6 Semantic differences in constructions with participe passé and participe présent
15.6.1 Construction aprés avoir + participe passé and ayant / étant + participe présent
15.6.2 Difference between a conditional clause
15.7 Flexion of participe passé
15.7.1 Basic rules for flexion when using particip passé With reflexive verbs there is a difference between direct and indirect object ... with preceeding direct object (accusative object) ... with direct object (accusative object) depending on an infinitive
15.8 Constructions with infinitive
15.8.1Use with modal verbs
15.8.2 Verbs / phrases that can require the infinitive Infinitives connected with prepositions Infinitives connected with de after certain verbs Infinitives connected with de after certain phrases Infinitives connected with à with certain verbs Verbs connecting the infinitive without preposition
15.8.3 Different way of connecting an infinitives Connections when subject is the same, exception for direct or indirect objects Remember, whether a verb requires a direct/indirect objects and the correct preposition for connecting an infinitive Valency of a verb Basic rule: Infinitive and object have the same preposition Differences in meaning of a verbs depending on the preposition - part 1 - part 2 Sometimes an infinitive construction is a must Sometimes a subordinate clause is an alternative to the infinitive Summary
15.8.4 Redundant personal pronouns
15.8.5 Substantivation of an infinitive - infinitive as a subject
15.8.6 Infinitive without subject
15.9.1 Exercise 1: Use the correct preposition
15.9.2 Exercise 2: Choose the correct pronoun
15.9.3 Exercise 3: Savoir or pouvoir?
15.9.4 Exercise 4: Conditional clauses
15.9.5 Exercise 5: Choose between particip présent and gerondif
15.9.6 Exercise 6: Relative clauses
15.9.7 Exercise 7: Change the causal clauses according to the scheme
15.9.8 Exercise 8: Temporal clauses
15.9.9 Exercise 9: Conditional clauses with participe passé
15.9.10 Exercise 10: Conditional clauses with participe présent and participe passé
16 Pronouns
16.1 Personal pronouns
16.2 Reflexive pronouns
16.3 Pronouns y and en - part 1 - part 2
16.3.1 y cannot refer to a person
16.3.2 en can refer to a person, de + unconnected personal pronoun is more common
16.4 Anticipation, referrence to contexts
16.4.1 Types of anticipation and regress Anticipation and reference with ce and cela Anticipation and reference with ça Anticipation with il
16.5 Position of the pronouns
16.5.1 Position of the pronouns pattern 1
16.5.2 Position of the pronouns pattern 2
16.5.3 Comparison of pattern 1 and 2 - part 1 - part 2
16.5.4 Position of the pronouns when using a full, modal or an auxiliary verb ... with full verbs (repetition of basic rule) ... with modal and auxiliary verbs Positioin of en
16.5.5 Specialty in the position of pronouns with verbs of senses
16.5.6 Specialty in the position of pronouns with reflexive verbs
16.5.7 Specialty in the position of pronouns with verbs faire and laisser
16.6 Indefinitive pronouns
16.6.1 quelque, quelques
16.6.2Quelqu' un (quelqu' une / quelques-uns / quelques-unes) and quelque chose / quelques choses Quelqu' un means somebody / anybody and refers to a person Quelque chose means something and refers to a thing
16.6.3 Personne (nobody) and aucun (no-one) Personne Difference between personne and aucun I Difference between personne and aucun II
16.6.4 chacun, quiconque, tout le monde, n' importe de qui, celui qui, on Chacun Tout le monde and chacun N' importe qui and quiconque Tout le monde and n' importe qui celui qui and quiconque on = passive subject
16.7.1 Exercise 1: y and en
16.7.2 Exercise 2: Choose y or en für a construtction preposition + unconnected personal pronoun
16.7.3 Exercise 3: Choose the correct option
16.7.4 Exercise 4: Choose il, c', ce or ça as the correct option
16.7.5 Exercise 5: A possible direct object le, l' , la, les
16.7.6 Exercise 6: Position of the pronoiuns with certain verbs
16.7.7 Exercise 7: Qquiconque, ce qui, chacun, tout le monde, n' importe qui
16.7.8 Exercise 8: Choose the correct sentence

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