Transform the sentences according to the following samples.
Exercise |
J' ai accompagné ma mère à la gare. |
I accompanied my mother to the station. => |
I accompanied her there. |
Je le remercie de m' avoir invité. |
I am grateful that he invited me. |
I am grateful for this. |
Est-ce que tu as
donné assez d' argent aux ouvriers? |
Did you give enough money to workers? => |
Did you give them enough money? |
Tu te demandes encore si on aurait pu
faire mieux? |
You do ask yourself, whether you could have
done it better? => |
Do you still ask it yourself? |
Il s' est liberé de tout ce qui pourrait l' empêcher de progresser. |
He freed himself of everything that could prevent him to progress. => |
He has freed himself of it. |
Je t' ai cherché à la gare. |
I was looking for you at the station . => |
I was looking for you there. |
Nous avons donné de l' argent aux enfants. |
We gave money to the children. |
We gave them some (money). |
Nous allons rendre visite à nos amis à Paris. |
We will visit our friends in Paris. => |
We will visit them there. |
Nous mettons les verres sur la table. |
We put the glasses on the table. => |
We put them there. |
Vous allez trouver les livres sous la table. |
You will find the books under the table. => |
You will find them there. |
Vous me voyez dans le miroir. |
You see me in the mirror. => |
You see me there. |
Il t' a vu(e) sur
la photo. |
He saw you on the foto. |
He saw you there. |
Il m' a raconté
tous les détails de cette histoire. |
He told me all details of the story. => |
He told me all details of it. |
Il s' est habitué à ce genre de vie. |
He is used to this life style. => |
He is used to it. |
Il faut faire attention à ce qu' il dit. |
One has to pay attention for what he says. => |
One has to pay attention to it. |