6.3.1 Some more details about cardinal numbers |
Between tens and units there is a hyphen. After the hundred there is no hyphen. The difference is only in writing not in pronunciation. | |
soixante-trois cent cinquante-neuf cent cinq |
In eighty, quatre vingts, there is a s, which is omitted, when units follow. | |
quatre vingts quatre vingt-cinq quatre vingt-quinze |
Stands the hundred alone, there is a s added, which is omitted, when tens or units follow. | |
trois cents trois cent cinq trois cent cinquante-trois |
Follows an one after the ten, it is added with et until 80. Other units do not use the et. | |
quarante et un quarante-deux quarante-huit quatre-vingt-un (without et) |
The number one (un) has to match according to the gender of the noun, to which it refers. | |
cinquante et une femmes cinquante et un hommes trent et une maisons trente et un arbres |
The thousand does not have a plural s when standing alone. | |
deux mille trois mille cinq cent trent-quatre |
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