Conjunctions of time can express the following situations |
1) Two actions running in parallel. |
While he was sleeping, she was cooking. |
2) One action is finished, when the other starts. |
After he has come, he has eaten everything in our fridge. |
3) An action is not defined in it length. |
Until he has not stopped lying to me, I will not speak to him. |
In the cases 1) and 2) things are well defined. These conjunctions of time are used with the
is required.
2) indicatif |
one action is finished, when the other starts : après que, depuis que, dès que, aussitôt que |
Après qu' il m' a dit ce qui s' est passé, j' ai tout compris. |
After he has told me, what has happened, I understood everything. |
Depuis qu' il est là, il n' arrête de parler de ses projets. |
Since he has been here, he incessantly talks about his projects. |
qu' il a
commencé à chanter,
les gens ont hurlé. |
He had hardly started to sing, when the people started to scream. |
3) subjonctif |
an action is not defined regarding its length : avant que, en attendant que, jusqu'à ce que |
Nous ne pouvons pas
partir avant qu´il ne soit là. |
Before he is not here, we cannot leave. |
En attendant qu' il vienne, ils fument une cigarette. |
Waiting for that he comes, they smoke a cigarette. |
Jusqu' a ce qu' il n' ait pas fait ses devoirs, il ne peut pas sortir. |
Until he has not done his homework, he cannot go out. |