Simple French adverbs |
très = very |
C' est très bien. |
This is very good. |
Il court très vite. |
He runs very fast. |
trop = too (much, many) |
Il mange trop. |
He eats too much. |
Il y a trop de monde dans la rue. |
There are too many people in the street. |
assez = enough |
C' est assez. |
This is enough. |
Il a gagné assez d' argent. |
He has earned enough money. |
C' est assez dit
! On discutera d' un autre problème.. |
This is enough said! Let's talk about another problem. |
peu = little |
Il est peu probable qu' il puisse finir avant minuit. |
It is little likely that he will be ready before midnight. |
beaucoup = much, many |
Il lit beaucoup. |
He reads much. |
Il lit beaucoup de livres. |
He reads many books. |