18.7.2 Exercise 2: Reported speech with subjonctiv

For didactical reasons we also offer the literary form, when it is different from the spoken form, however, it is sufficient to know actively the forms of spoken French.

Setzen Sie die folgenden Sätze in die indirekte Rede.
Il a dit: "C' est peu probable que je vienne aujourd' hui."
He says that it is unlikely that he would come this day.

Il a dit:" C' est peu probable que je vienne aujourd' hui."
He said that it was unlikely that he would come this day.

Elle raconte: "Je craignais qu' il puisse se faire du mal.
She tells that she is afraid that he could hurt

Elle dit: " Je craignais qu' il se soit fait du mal. "
She says that she is afraid that he could have hurt himself.

Elle a dit:" Je craignais qu' il se soit fait du
mal. "
She said that she was afraid that he had hurt himself.

Elle raconte: "Il a exigé que nous le fassions tout de suite."
She tells that he demanded that we do it immediately.

Il dit: "C' est bizarre qu' il ne le sache pas."
He says that it's bizarre that he does not know.

Elle a dit:" J' ai souhaité qu' il construise la
maison. "
She said that she wished that he would build a house.

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