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  1.6 Different writing, same pronunciation

You would not be the first to suggest to write the same way as it is spoken, but this will not be our task in this manual. Further, we have seen during the discussions of the last years that the resistance against this idea is too big and people feel the downfall of the European culture has come when discussing the change of the written language toward its pronunciation. However, also in other cultures this idea is not welcome so we just leave it as such. Fact is that it makes learning a language more difficult, when the spelling of a word is different from its pronunciation.

Following are some examples, there are as many more as you could imagine - just a few to get the idea:

important (important)
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: inportant
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: inportent

exercise (exercise)
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: exercice
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: exersisse

tête (head)
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: tete
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: taite
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: tète

patte (paw)
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: pate

eau (water)
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: o
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: os*
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: eaux
  sounds the same, but wrong spelling: haut

* Here you will notice that this word has a meaning (=bone). And again, only the context will clairfy which one it is: water or bone. Confusion is quite unlikely, don´t you agree?

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