7.2.4 Plus-que-parfait

The plus-que-parfait is used the same way as the past perfect. Something happened before another action in the past. In the following situations the plus-que-parfait is used:

When to use the plus-que-parfait
One action in the past is the logical consequence of an action before.
Il ne pouvait pas s'acheter une voiture, parce qu' il n' avait pas épargné assez d' argent.
  He could not buy a car, because had not saved enough money.
Il ne le savait pas, parce que personne ne le lui avait dit.
  He did not know it, because nobody had told him.
One action had been finished before another action started.
Il avait eu un accident, et à cause de cela il ne pouvait pas venir.
  He had have an accident, that's why he could not come.
Il avait cru tout, mais après il s' est rentu compte que tout était un mensonge.
He had believed it, but later he noticed that all was a lie.

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