7.2.3 Imparfait, passé simple and passé composé

Let's have a look at a comparison of the three past tenses, we have discussed so far:

Imparfait English

simple past
La lune brillait.
actions interrupted by others

simple past
Il dormait quand el téléphone a sonné.
parallel actions past continuous
J' etais à la piscine et jouais au ballon.
regularly repeating actions simple past
Elle pensait parfois à la fille.

Passé composé English
actions finished at the time of narration simple past
Il a fait du sport pendant dix ans.
actions, which have influence on the
time of narration
present perfect
J' ai perdu mon collier.
actions interrupting others simple past
Il dormait quand el téléphone a sonné.

Passé simple* English
short actions (at one point) simple past
Je vis Luc.
finished actions in a closed past

simple past
Il fut mon professeur en 1992.
actions following one another simple past
Napoléon combattit et perdit la bataille de Waterloo.

* The passé simple is not used in spoken language, it is substituted by the passé composé

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