Written irregularly, minimal difference in pronunciation

We would like to give some examples for possible changes. There are too many of them that we cannot give them all. However, we are sure that it will be easily learned, because soon it feels natural to you to do it this way. One of the possible changes is the sound of the vowel:

tubby e to open e

Usually there is one t that is doubled, after which the tubby e is changed to an open, bright e.


jeter to throw
je jette I throw
tu jettes you throw
il jette he throws
elle jette she throws
nous jetons we throw
vous jetez you throw
ils jettent they throw
elles jettent they throw

projeter to project
je projette I project
tu projettes you project
il projette he projects
elle projette she projects
nous projetons we project
vous projetez you project
ils projettent they project
elles projettent they project

cacheter to seal
je cachette I seal
tu cachettes you seal
il cachette he seals
elle cachette she seals
nous cachetons we seal
vous cachetez you seal
ils cachettent they seal
elles cachettent they seal

closed e to open e

céder to cede
je cède I cede
tu cèdes you cede
il cède he cedes
elle cède she cedes
nous cédons we cede
vous cédez you cede
ils cèdent they cede
elles cèdent they cede

célébrer to celebrate
je célèbre I celebrate
tu célèbres you celebrate
il célèbre he celebrates
elle célèbre she celebrates
nous célébrons we celebrate
vous célébrez you celebrate
ils célèbrent they celebrate
elles célèbrent they celebrate

conférer to award
je confère I award
tu confères you award
il confère he awards
elle confère

she awards

nous conférons we award
vous conférez you award
ils confèrent they award
elles confèrent they award

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