12.8 Conjunctionen of effect |
12.8.1 au point que = so that, in such a way that | |
Il a embêté tout le monde au point qu' il a fallu le mettre à la porte. | |
He has annoyed everyone, so that he had to be thrown out. |
12.8.2 tant et si bien que = so that, in such a way that | |
Il ne m' a pas répondu tant et si bien que nous l' avons décidé nous-même. | |
He has not answered me so that we decided ourselves. |
12.8.4 si bien que = so that | |
Il n' est pas venu si bien qu' il n' a pas reçu son argent. | |
He has not come, so that he has not received his money. |
12.8.5 par conséquence = therefore | |
Il n' est pas venu et par conséquence il n' a pas reçu son argent. | |
He has not come and therefore, he has not received his money. |
12.8.6 sous prétexte que = under the pretext | |
Il ne vient pas sous prétexte qu' il est malade. | |
He does not come, under the pretext that he is ill. |
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