Tu vois ça, Morgane, c’est la Postdamer Platz. = You see that, that is the Potsdamer Platz
C’est immense.
= It is enormous.
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a ici ?
= What is there? Oh, il y a plein de choses. Il y a des cafés, il y aussi…euh…des sièges sociaux de grandes entreprises, mais on peut aussi apprendre beaucoup de choses, regarde, il y a des bouts de mur.
Oh, there are a lot of things there. There are cafés, there are...establishments of big companies, but you can
learn as well a lot of things there. Have a look, this is a piece of the wall.
The indifinita on : impersonal (unknown) subject
Et toi qui es ici depuis six mois, peux-tu me dire si on est à l’Ouest ou à l’Est ?
= And you, who has been staying here for six month now, can you tell me if we are in the west or in the east?
Je ne me rappelle plus…
= I don' t remember
se rappeller <=> to remember: Reflexive pronouns
Euh…attends…on est peut-être à l’Ouest. = Hm. Wait. Maybee we are in the west.
Je pense qu’on est à l’Est.
= I think we are in the Est.
Et pourquoi tu dis ça ? = Why do you say that?
= Have a look
Mais non, c’est l’Ouest ici.
= No, no, this is the west.
Je crois que c’est l’Est.
= I think it is the east.
Mais non c’est l’Ouest. = No, no, it is the west.
Mais tu es stupide. = You are stupide.
Mais non.
= No, no (literally: but no)