3.3.1 Morphemes for the formation of the plural Regular formationof the plural with -s

The most common way of forming the plural is with the ending -s (exactly as it is in English; finally something simple).

Examples plural with -s
le livre les livres
  book books
le chemin les chemins
  way ways
le garçon les garçons
  boy boys
le papier les papiers
  paper papers
la maison les maisons
  house houses
la rue les rues
  street streets
la table les tables
  table tables
la fourchette les fourchettes
  fork forks

As you have probably noticed the final -s is only written but not voiced (there are again exceptions to this rule). To know whether the thing in question is in singular or plural (which is often of some importance) there are several possibilities of differentiation, for instance by pronouns and articles. Following some examples with articles:

Je mange une pomme. Je mange des pommes.
I eat an apple. I eat apples.
J' achète une chemise. J' achète des chemises.
I buy a shirt. I buy shirts.

As mentioned before the final -s is voiced, when a vowel or a mute h follows this final -s. Listen to the following sentences, there is a difference in the pronunciation of the final -s.

les gouvernements européens
the governments European
les gouvernements corrumpus
the governments corrupt
les femmes intelligentes
the women intelligent
les femmes belles
the women beautiful

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