If the referred object / subject is possibly not existent, the second pattern - which, as we will see, is not really a pattern - comes to work.
Examples |
Qui que
ce soit qui
t' ait dit ça, il a menti. |
Whoever may be the one who has said this song . |
que ce soit que tu aies vu, ce
n' était pas lui. |
Whoever may be the one whom you have seen, it was not him. |
Peu importe avec qui tu es parti, il n' était pas sympa. |
No matter with whom you have gone out, he was not nice. |
Peu importe de quoi il parle, il est toujours ennuyeux. |
No matter what he is talking about, he is always boring. |
Peu importe à
qui tu as donné l' argent,
tu l' as perdu. |
No matter to whom you have given the money, you have lost it. |
Qui / quoi que se soit qui / que is always possible. The other examples are just according to the