Comparison to the tubby e

We have already discussed the tubby e here, so just to have things complete a short repetition. A tubby e can be in the middle of the word or in the end. If an e is pronounced as tubby e, there is no accent on it.
However, as there are so many graphemes to these three sounds, we collected an overview. You will have noticed how usefull the phonetic script is. In case of doubt it helps to the right pronunciation.

Comparison open, closed and tubby e
Closed e  
irrégulier (irregular)
manger (to eat)
mangé (eaten)
exemple (example)
étroit (close)
Open e
père (father)
finesse (finesse)
tête (head)
près (close)
geste (gesture)
Tubby e
selon (according)
demander (to ask)
que (what)

Just to be sure listen to the three different sounds.

open e closed e tubby e

Now, if you are not sure you can have a look at the open and closed oe - which are similar sounds to
the tubby e. Maybe this all is already very clear to you. However, even if not, there are many more examples coming up, and with a little practice it will all become quite easy.

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