No article before possessive pronouns

We have already seen that declination is often formed with the help of prepositions:

Dative = a + articlel
Je donne le livre à la femme.  
I give the book to the woman
Je donne le livre au garçon. au = à + le
I give the book to the boy.
Je donne le livre aux femmes. aux = à + les
I give the book to the women.
Je donne le livre aux garçons. aux = à + les
I give the book to the boys.

Genitive = de + article
C' est la porte de la maison.  
This is the door of the house.
C' est la porte du grenier. du = de + le
This is the door of the barn.
Ce sont les portes des maisons. des = de + les
These are the doors of the houses.
Ce sont les portes des greniers. des = de + les
These are the doors of the barns.

As also in English there is no article, where a possessive pronoun is used. This also means that the blending of preposition and article is dissolved.

Je donne le livre à mon fils.
  I give the book to my son.
Je donne le livre à ma femme.
  I give the book to my woman.
Je donne le livres à mes fils.
  I give the books to my son.
C' est la porte de ma maison.
  This is the door of my house.
Ce sont les portes de mes maisons.
  These are the doors of my houses.

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