10.3.1 Exercises for conditional clauses

Transform the following sentences into a Realis of the present.

Exercise 1: Realis of the present

Si tu le lui , il le fait.
If you tell him, he will do it.
Si tu , je peux te le donner.
If you come, I can give it to you.
Si tu le maintenant, je te paye 100 Euros de plus.
If you do it now, I pay 100 Euros to you.
Si tu me le gentiment, je te le dis.
If you ask me nicely, I will tell you.
Si tu trop, tu deviendras malade.
If you smoke too much, you will get sick.
Si tu plus vite, tu finiras plus tôt.
If you work faster, you will be finished sooner.
Si tu de l' argent, tu pourras t' acheter une voiture.
If you save money, you will be able to buy a car.
Si tu riche, tu pourras te permettre le luxe de ne plus travailler.
If you are rich, you can allow yourself the luxury of not working anymore.
Si tu ne pas à l' école, tu n' apprendras rien.
If you do not go to school, you will not learn anything.
Si vous ne pas votre remède, vous n' allez pas guérir.
If you do not take your medicine, you will not get better.

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