10.2.1 Formation of futur antérieur

The formation of the futur antérieur is easy. Similar to all composed tenses it is formed with the auxiliaries avoir or être.

Formation of futur antérieur  
transitive verbs intransitive verbs
j' aurai acheté I will have bought je serai venu(e) I will have come
tu auras acheté you will have bought tu seras venu(e) you will have come
il aura acheté he will have bought il sera venu he will have come
elle aura acheté she will have bought elle sera venue she will have come
nous aurons acheté we will have bought nous serons venu(e)s we will have come
vous aurez acheté you will have bought vous serez venu(e)s you will have come
ils auront acheté they will have bought ils seront venus they will have come
elles auront acheté they will have bought elles seront venues they will have come

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