Written and pronounced irregularly

Sometimes the vowel in the stem changes:

e changes to ie
e => ie

There is a change in the vowel and in the pronunciation. In addition the 3rd person plural the consonant doubles. Quite a lot of changes, but you will get the pattern of this, surely.

Personal pronoun venir (to come) soutenir (to sustain) contenir (to contain)
je viens soutiens contiens
tu viens soutiens contiens
il / elle vient soutient contient
nous venons soutenons contenons
vous venez soutenez contenez
ils / elles viennent soutiennent contiennent

Another change in vowels with actually only one verb having this specialty is the following:

u changes to eu in writing and to oe in pronunciation

Personal pronoun mourir (to die)
je meurs
tu meurs
il / elle meurt
nous mourons
vous mourez
ils / elles meurent

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