when using in compound tenses |
verbs that form their compound tenses with être are to be inflected |
Il est allé. |
He has gone. |
Elle est allée. |
She has gone. |
Ils sont allés. |
They have gone. |
Elles sont allées. |
They have gone. |
in the passive voice it is always inflected, even if the compound tense is formed with avoir. |
Il est trompé. |
He is betrayed. |
Elle est trompée. |
She is betrayed. |
Ils sont trompés. |
They are betrayed. |
Elles sont trompées. |
They are betrayed. |
Il a été trompé. |
He has been betrayed. |
Elle a été trompée. |
She has been betrayed. |
Ils ont été trompés. |
They had been betrayed. |
Elles ont été trompées. |
They had been betrayed. |
verbs forming their compound tenses with avoir, are not to be inflected * |
Il a acheté une voiture. |
He has bought a car. |
Elle a acheté une voiture. |
She has bought a car. |
Ils ont acheté une voiture. |
They have bought a car. |
Elles ont acheté une voiture. |
They have bought a car. |
Only in case there is a direct object before the participe passé, then it is also to be inflected. But some more about this later.