12.10 Conjunctions of contradiction and doubt |
12.10.20 pourtant = however |
Il gaspille beaucoup d' argent, pourtant il n' est jamais fauché. |
He wastes a lot of money, however he is never out of cash. |
12.10.21 néanmoins = nonetheless |
Il gaspille beaucoup d' argent, néanmoins il n' est jamais fauché. |
He wastes a lot of money, nonetheless he is never out of cash. |
12.10.22 en revanche = in return |
Le temps est clair à Berlin, en revanche il pleut à Munich. |
The weather is nice in Berlin, in return it rains in Munich. |
12.10.23 alors que = while |
Il parle sans arrêt, alors qu' elle ne dit presque rien. |
He is talking without a stop, while she says almost nothing. |
12.10.24 alors = so, while |
Je me suis dis alors qu'il fallait continuer. |
So, I have told myself that one has to continue. |
Nous avons vraiment travaillé, alors qu' il n' a rien fait du tout. |
We have really worked, while he did nothing at all. |
12.10.25 tandis que =
while |
Nous sommes partis
au bord de la mer, tandis qu' il est
parti faire du ski. |
We have gone to the coast, while he went skiing. |
Nous avons fait tout
le travail, tandis
qu' il n' a rien fait du tout. |
We have done all the work, while he has done nothing at all. |
12.10.26 au contraire = on the contrary |
Il ne m' a pas aidé, tout au contraire il a entravé mon travail. |
He has not helped me, on the contrary he has hindered my work. |
12.10.27 pour sa part = for his part |
Lui pour sa part, n' a jamais accepté les faits tels qu' ils sont. |
He, for his part, has never accepted the facts as they are. |
12.10.28 autant dire que = so to say |
Il n' a pas d' argent, autant
dire qu' il est fauché. |
He has no money, so to say he is out of cash. |
12.10.29 si l'on peut dire = so to say |
Les olmèques sont, si l'on peut dire, les véritables ancêtres des mexicains. |
The olmecs are, so to say, the real ancestor of the Mexicans. |
* The olmecs are the oldest known inhabitants of the land now known as Mexico. We know of their existence already 1,200 years b.C.