20.1.4 Telling the date with years

In English the years until 2000 were spoken in centuries:


He was born on March 13, 1948.

correct: He was born on March 13 nineteen hundred forty-eight.
incorrect: He was born on March 13 thousand ninehundred forty-eight.

Now, we use the thousands (as the French have always done).


He was born on May 14, 2002.

correct: He was born on May 14 two thousand and two.
incorrect: He was born on May 14 twenty hundred and two.


He was born on May 14, 1973.

Il est né le 14 mai 1973.

Il est né le vingt octobre mille neuf cent soixante trois .


He was born on April 28, 2002.
Il est né le 28 avril 2002.

Il est né le vingt huit avril deux mille deux.

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