8.2.2 Formation of the subjonctif imparfait

The subjonctif imparfait is - in opposite to its other Roman brothers in other languages - close to extinction. It is only used in written language. Usually it is substituted by the subjonctif présent or by the subjonctif du passé composé. This means it is enough to know that it exists and that you recognize it, when reading sublime literature.

Forming the subjonctif imparfait is a bit tricky, similar to the passé simple. There is a pattern for verbs ending in -er and -ir. And then, we have two types of pattern for verbs ending in -re and -oir. It seems that the forms are even too complicated for the French, so that they do not use it anymore. And soon, we will only read in old books about it.

The formation of the subjonctif imparfait 

  verbs in -er / -ir
(to speak)
(to finish)
que je parlasse finisse
que tu parlasses finisses
qu' il / elle parlât finît
que nous parlassions finissions
que vous parlassiez finissiez
qu' ils / elles parlassent finissent

    verbs in -oir
(to receive)
(to see)
    type 1 type 2
que je reçusse visse
que tu reçusses visses
qu' il / elle reçût vît
que nous reçussions vissions
que vous reçussiez vîssiez
qu' ils / elles reçussent vissent

    verbs in -re
(to descend)
(to drink)
    type 1 type 2
que je descendisse busse
que tu descendisses busses
qu' il / elle descendît bût
que nous descendissions bussions
que vous descendissiez bussiez
qu' ils / elles descendissent bussent

The rule is to take the infinitive stem and add the ending accordingly. However, there are many irregular verbs as we have noticed already with the passé simple. Again we refer to the verb tables in printed or electronical form (e.g. www.verbix.com). Here just two important examples:

    être avoir
que je fusse eusse
que tu fusses eusses
qu' il / elle fût eût
que nous fussions eussions
que vous fussiez eussiez
qu' ils / elles fussent eussent

The subjonctif imparfait is only used in written form:

Je craignais qu' il fût trop tard.
I was afraid that he would come too late.  

In everyday life one would say:

Je craignais qu' il soit trop tard.
I was afraid that it is too late.  

The subjonctif imparfait is - in opposite to its other Roman brothers in other languages - close to extinction. It is only used in written language. Usually it is substituted by the subjonctif présent or by the subjonctif du passé composé. This means it is enough to know that it exists and that you recognize it, when reading sublime literature.

Forming the subjonctif imparfait is a bit tricky, similar to the passé simple. There is a pattern for verbs ending in -er and -ir. And then, we have two types of pattern for verbs ending in -re and -oir. It seems that the forms are even too complicated for the French, so that they do not use it anymore. And soon, we will only read in old books about it.

The formation of the subjonctif imparfait  

  verbs in -er / -ir
(to speak)
(to finish)
que je parlasse finisse
que tu parlasses finisses
qu' il / elle parlât finît
que nous parlassions finissions
que vous parlassiez finissiez
qu' ils / elles parlassent finissent

    verbs in -oir
(to receive)
(to see)
    type 1 type 2
que je reçusse visse
que tu reçusses visses
qu' il / elle reçût vît
que nous reçussions vissions
que vous reçussiez vîssiez
qu' ils / elles reçussent vissent

    verbs in -re
(to descend)
(to drink)
    type 1 type 2
que je descendisse busse
que tu descendisses busses
qu' il / elle descendît bût
que nous descendissions bussions
que vous descendissiez bussiez
qu' ils / elles descendissent bussent

The rule is to take the infinitive stem and add the ending accordingly. However, there are many irregular verbs as we have noticed already with the passé simple. Again we refer to the verb tables in printed or electronical form (e.g. www.verbix.com). Here just two important examples:

    être avoir
que je fusse eusse
que tu fusses eusses
qu' il / elle fût eût
que nous fussions eussions
que vous fussiez eussiez
qu' ils / elles fussent eussent

The subjonctif imparfait is only used in written form:

Je craignais qu' il fût trop tard.
I was afraid that he would come too late.  

In everyday life one would say:

Je craignais qu' il soit trop tard.
I was afraid that it is too late.  

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