8.4.5 Exercise 5: Use of the subjonctif - croire, penser, espérer, soupçonner

Remember, some verbs use the subjonctif only in negated phrases, even though they might even in affirmative phrases express insecurity. Some of them are the following:

croire = to believe
penser = to think
espérer = to hope (attn. here a difference to other Roman languages!!)
soupçonner = to suspect

Choose the correct option.
I think that you are capable of doing it.
Je crois que tu capable de le faire.
I do not think that you are capable of doing it.
Je ne crois pas que tu capable de le faire.
I very well know that you have song .
Je sais bien que tu menti.
I do not know what you (all) think about all this.
Je ne sais pas ce que vous de tout cela.
I do not think that he has enough money to buy a car.
Je ne pense pas qu' il assez d' argent pour s' acheter une voiture.
I think that he has enough money to buy a car.
Je pense qu' il assez d' argent pour acheter une voiture.
I hope that he has done his homework.
J' espère qu' il fait ses devoirs.
I do not hope that he despairs.
Je n' espère pas qu' il .
I have suspected that he does not tell the truth.
J' ai déjà soupçonné qu' il n' pas dit la vérité.

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