7.3.10 Exercise 10: Use of the plus-que-parfait and imparfait

Choose the correct options
He had never worked, but he always had money.
Il , mais il avait toujours de l' argent.
He never worked, but he always had money.
Il , mais il avait toujours d' argent.
He could not pay the invoice, because he had lost his wallet.
Il n' a pouvait pas payer la facture, parce qu' il son porte-monnaie.
He never could pay the invoices, because he always lost his wallet.
Il les factures, parce qu' il perdait toujours son porte-monnaie.
She had explained it to him, he has not made it correctly anyway.
Elle le lui , il ne l´a quand même pas fait correctement
She explained it to him, still he did not make it correctly.
Elle le lui , il ne le faisait quand même pas correctement
Suddenly he remembered, what had happened.*
Tout d' un coup il , de ce qui s'était passé. *
* We did not yet explain the reflexive pronoun "se", we will come back to this later.

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