(even though he was ill, he went to work). All these conjunctions require the
Examples |
afin que = in order that , so that |
Je lui ai donné de l' argent, afin qu'il puisse acheter du pain. |
I have given him money, in order that he can buy bread. |
pour que = in order that, so that |
Elle raconte toute l' histoire à sa mère pour qu'elle sache ce qui s' est passé. |
He tells the whole story to his mother so that she knows what has happened. |
à moins que = unless |
moins que ce soit
lui qui me le dise. |
Unless it is him, who tells me this. |
supposer que = supposed that |
A supposer qu' il ait raison, nous pouvons le faire. |
Supposed that he is right, we can do it. |
A supposer qu'il ne soit pas déjà trop tard, nous pouvons le faire. |
Supposed that it is not yet too late, we can do it. |
avant que = before |
Il faut le faire avant qu ' il soit trop tard. |
It must be done before it is too late. |
au cas où = in case that
cas qu' il y en ait
un, nous le trouverons. |
In case there is one, we will find him. |
Au cas où il ne vienne pas, il faudrait demander quelqu' un d' autre. |
If he does not come, one has to ask somebody else. |