3.2 Formation of feminine and masculine forms - 3

Some of the nouns have totally different forms.

le roi la reine
  the king the queen
un époux une épouse
  a husband a wife
le héros la heroïne
  the hero the heroin
le veuf la veuve
  widow widower
le fou la folle
  the crazy man the crazy woman

And then there are cases, where nothing, no article, no suffix or anything else indicates that the form in question is feminine. There is no feminine form of assassin (murderer), témoin (witness) and médecin (doctor).

un assassin a murderer
Tout le monde croyait qu' elle était un assassin.
  All   thought that she was a murderer.
un témoin a witness
Elle est un témoin.        
  She is a witness.        
un médecin a doctor
Elle est un médecin        
  She is a doctor.        

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